Thursday, January 7, 2016


I stand in a field 
excessively polite smiles that swear: I am not, cannot be racist
of people saving me with Africa tattoos on their necks
of pretty people on dance floors who only want to dance with me and
nothing more, 
nothing more (because their friends say black people can dance but perhaps, might turn out to need papers…or worse, a livelihood)
I turn to watch the video of our army massacring Shiites
under the watchful eyes of a community who hates them
enough to applaud
I am listening
Because I dare not mourn loudly
our enemies
felled by bullets bought legally.

I am drinking myself
into shapelessness
turning from a Man Crush
to a man crushed by his own kilos
hoping I can shape this story I cared about yesterday
but which seems stupid today
Consciousness does that:
turns perfect nighttime ideas
into shit

"Over 2million books are published each year"
Google does that:
brings facts and figure to your finger tips
whether you know what to do with it
or are just an idiot with a social media account…

I am thankful that anyone is reading 
my damn novel
But now I have to write
another damn novel
that will not change the world
Just to prove 
that I was not a fucking fluke
And maybe prove
on that dance floor
that yes I am black 
But no, I do not need papers
And no, not all black people can dance.


  1. kai Nathan, kai Mallam you have left efficiency and brought back efficient sweet writing.May God (oops) increase you

  2. 'Daylight does that:
    turns perfect nighttime ideas
    into shit'.........................So true,So very true!!!

  3. I desire to meet you one day.
    I don't know how but I look forward to it.. I love you elnathan.


You fit vex, bet abeg no curse me. You hear?